May 03, 2004

Caption Contest Results

A big thanks to Daniel for judging the contest. Here are the results:

Honorable mention: Llama Butchers' Photo-Shop entry.

Third place: Cheese eating surrender what?

I dare you to say that again Alpo breath. submitted by Stephen Macklin.

Second place: "If it please the court, I'd like Timmy to use the dog and monkey to show us exactly what went on in the Michael Jackson household on that evening." submitted by Paleo.

And the Winner is: That love which dare not speak its name submitted by Dave in Texas.

Congratulations, Dave!

Posted by Jennifer at May 3, 2004 05:50 PM

Honorable mention??? WTF?

That, plus Willow losing the Hawk-babe contest leads me to declare all out war on all that is Frank J.

To demonstrate, we now have convincing evidence that we are willing and ready to share with the world that the "J" in "Frank J." stands for "J'aime le francais."

That's right, Frank gets all gooey for Charles de Gaulle.

Proof? Come on over to the Llamabutchers---we got yer stinkin' proof!

Posted by: Steve the Llamabutcher at May 4, 2004 04:26 AM

I'm deeply honored. I'd like to say I was really in the groove that day, but the truth is I think I just got lucky.

Posted by: Dave in Texas at May 8, 2004 03:19 PM